Dadaji’s Paintbrush

Written by Rashmi Sirdeshpande & illustrated by Ruchi Mhasane We always like to add diverse books to our collection and have enjoyed other books by this author. My little brothers love her funny books about clever dinosaurs but this is much more serious and gentle. This beautiful picture book is all about a boy whoseContinue reading “Dadaji’s Paintbrush”

Never Show A T-Rex A Book!

Author: Rashmi Sirdeshpande Illustrator: Diane Ewen We love books and know just how far they can take you into the world of your imagination. This is a colourful picture book with brilliant illustrations by Diane Ewen. The funny story asks you to imagine what might happen if you showed a T-Rex a book? The mainContinue reading “Never Show A T-Rex A Book!”

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